For my PhD, I will be working on human-centered research on communicating with memories through LLM-based bots. AI-powered chatbots have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with memory and grief. Given recent advances in generative AI and the growing interest in AI-driven "immortality" solutions, my research aims to establish a framework for the development of these technologies that prioritizes human well-being. As my research progresses, I will develop tools and processes to support responsible AI design and development for death bots. I am particularly interested in how these approaches shape our mourning and remembrance processes.
Foto: Katja Aßfalg
I work closely with universities and regularly supervise theses. It is a pleasure to work with students. Accompanying and empowering you with your topic around Death.
2024 - Katja Aßfalg
Ein Buch zu den Themen rund ums Sterben (AT).
Masterarbeit wird vorgelegt im Fach Photographic Studies an der Fachhochschule Dortmund.
2024 - Neele Himmlsbach, Kiara Klugesherz
Potenziale und Risiken von Death Tech.
Hausarbeit vorgelegt an der NOVA School of Business and Economics in Lissabon.
2024 - Louisa Camille Lina Jung
Trauer(arbeit) in digitalen Räumen.
Masterarbeit vorgelegt an der Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf in Potsdam.
2023 - Sarah Kailuweit
Von inneren und äußeren Trauerorten.
Untersuchung der Relevanz von Friedhöfen als Orte der Trauer in urbanen Metropolen.
Masterarbeit vorgelegt an der Universität der Künste Berlin Zentralinstitut für Weiterbildung/Berlin Career College Masterstudiengang Kulturjournalismus.
For my PhD, I will be working on human-centered research on communicating with memories through LLM-based bots. AI-powered chatbots have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with memory and grief. Given recent advances in generative AI and the growing interest in AI-driven "immortality" solutions, my research aims to establish a framework for the development of these technologies that prioritizes human well-being. As my research progresses, I will develop tools and processes to support responsible AI design and development for death bots. I am particularly interested in how these approaches shape our mourning and remembrance processes.
Foto: Katja Aßfalg
I work closely with universities and regularly supervise theses. It is a pleasure to work with students. Accompanying and empowering you with your topic around Death.
2024 - Katja Aßfalg
Ein Buch zu den Themen rund ums Sterben (AT).
Masterarbeit wird vorgelegt im Fach Photographic Studies an der Fachhochschule Dortmund.
2024 - Neele Himmlsbach, Kiara Klugesherz
Potenziale und Risiken von Death Tech.
Hausarbeit vorgelegt an der NOVA School of Business and Economics in Lissabon.
2024 - Louisa Camille Lina Jung
Trauer(arbeit) in digitalen Räumen.
Masterarbeit vorgelegt an der Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf in Potsdam.
2023 - Sarah Kailuweit
Von inneren und äußeren Trauerorten.
Untersuchung der Relevanz von Friedhöfen als Orte der Trauer in urbanen Metropolen.
Masterarbeit vorgelegt an der Universität der Künste Berlin Zentralinstitut für Weiterbildung/Berlin Career College Masterstudiengang Kulturjournalismus.